Even a 10-minute session can provide instant relief to your neck and upper back area. This kind of pain can take the form of stiffness or spasms. Pin On Home Garden Draw a line down the mid line of your torso. . To decrease the chance of causing damage to the muscle hold stretches for at least 30 seconds and make sure to slowly release when done. Neck pain cervical pain may be caused by any number of disorders and diseases. So we need to have a good defense system there. So we need to have a good defense system there. Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic. Blocked feeling in left ear anddown side of neck and lump to right of adams apple Throat neck head ear pain. You can also invest in a small traction device made of plastic that helps you with spinal decompression at home. Neck pain becomes more common as you get older and the muscles in your neck weaken. These types of sound can include. ...